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Family Update
The stomach flu invaded our home for a few weeks…that’s
right…weeks. Each time someone would get sick, I’d go into a cleaning frenzy to
stop the germs from attacking, only to have someone else come down with the bug
days later. Somehow we are still on
schedule with school, but 4 field trips, 3 weeks of AWANA, and co-op days had
to be cancelled. Let me tell you, doing apple themed activities and then having to cancel
the big finale apple orchard trip was a huge disappointment for the girls. Once
everyone showed signs of good health, I called around to reschedule, but u-pick
apples and tours just so happened to be finished the day I called! Bummer!! We went to to the park, and played with the caterpillars in our yard instead.
For the time being, we aren’t going to attend our co-op
regularly until CJ recovers from his back surgery, which is scheduled to happen
at the beginning of November. He is currently extremely miserable and in
terrible pain, so keep him in your prayers.
In other health related news, Samuel was diagnosed with a
blood disorder last month. At a routine
well-check with our new pediatrician, Dr. S, I brought up the horrible
nosebleeds he has on a fairly regular basis. I had mentioned this several times
to our former pediatrician, and he was never concerned. However, Dr. S thought that he should see a
hematologist. After two appointments,
blood work, and months of waiting, we finally got a diagnosis. His condition is
not life threatening, but he was pretty bummed when he found out he won’t be
allowed to play soccer or football. I am relieved that this is a treatable,
minor disorder.
Now onto happy news…
Samuel is doing excellent at the private school he is
attending this year. He is maintaining all A’s, making new friends, and enjoys
his teacher and classmates. There are pros and cons to having him in that
setting, but my anxiety has pretty much subsided. It helps that I’m involved in the school’s
parent group and volunteer on Friday afternoons. Samuel still joins our monthly
evening homeschool group activities. And no, we haven’t ruled out homeschooling
him in the future.
Sarah and Madelyn finished up soccer. Madelyn was the kid
doing ballet twirls, somersaults, and singing while she was supposed to be
playing the game. Sarah was eager to participate and learn. They both were fun
to watch… for different reasons.
They‘ve decided to join an American Heritage Girls troop (Samuel will be doing
Cub Scouts at the same time). Somehow, maybe due to the name, they are under
the impression that this is some sort of American Girl club, so AHG is now the
coolest thing ever. I’ve tried to explain that the two aren’t related, but I’m
pretty sure they are tuning me out. Either way, they are having fun, making new
friends, and learning.
School Update Weeks 5-8, Apple Themed Activities Part 1
During weeks 5-8, we covered a lot of material.
We’ve now studied the Vikings, Early Missionaries, Medieval Times, the Incas,
and ancient China. I wanted to go more in depth with the Incas than what Sonlight includes, but the girls were eager to move on to China. Maybe I’ll
find a way to sneak in more Inca time down the road! I've been using the camera less and less, not because I don't want to capture these wonderful moments, but because when we're in "school mode," pausing to go into "mom-photographer mode" feels like a distraction. The camera usually only comes out one or two days a week. The downside is, I can't look back through photos to remember details of certain moments...which makes trying to write about 4 weeks of school difficult...even with lesson plans in front of me :).
Sarah loves Draw Write Now...mostly the drawing, of course! |
matching ending sounds |
As I mentioned in our family update above, we did some fun math and literacy apple themed activities.
There were so many activities to do in the pack I purchased that I'm
saving some for when we read about Johnny Appleseed later.
Next week I will be cramming in the rest of our fall and pumpkin crafts. Pinterest gave me more than enough ideas! E