Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The First Day (3rd, 1st, K)

Pin It The new school year is officially here!

Samuel is in 3rd grade at a private school. I must say, the house feels so strange without him here with the rest of us. :( I really wish we had the option of something in between private school and homeschooling for him, such as going to school 2 days a week and being home for the other 3. Oh well, for now he's there, and I'm here missing him!! Open house was last night, so we got to meet the other classmates and families. The school seems wonderful. The other parents were very kind and more than willing to answer the hundreds of questions I had.

 Sarah is so thrilled to be a first grader at last!

Madelyn was messing around in the bathroom when Samuel left for school. When she missed the chance to say goodbye, she cried dramatically for a good 20 minutes. Here she is all teary-eyed for her first day of Kindergarten (the day did get better quickly!).

 I cannot believe my youngest is now is Kindergarten!! She is still so tiny and has a cute little chipmunk voice.

 When I grow up, I want to be a(n):
Sarah- artist, mom, and ballerina
Madelyn- Jasmine (the Disney princess...this has consistently been her answer for awhile...oh dear!)

 The 3 rules we came up with this school year are:
1. Be kind and helpful.
2. Be a good listener.
3. Have fun!

This year, I want to learn more about:
"the world and the Bible"- Sarah

A place I would like to visit:
"the zoo and pumpkin patch"-Sarah
"the zoo and apple picking place"-Madelyn

More to come on our first week of school! We're off to a great start!

 Not Back to School Blog Hop


  1. Any tips for 'homeschool preschool?'. We had our first day today, we did some counting and shape making with beans, and a lesson with food dye and paper towels for primary/secondary colors. Now that the baby and 2 year old are napping, I am going to work on letters/reading with the almost 4 year old...so new to me! But I think I will be homeschooling the older two for preschool because there are not many good AND affordable options for us here.

    1. I think you are off to a great start! The first year of "homeschool preschool," besides a lot of reading and playing, we used preschoolpalace.org, and checked out Mailbox magazines from the library to get craft and center ideas. Last year we used RRSP at 1plus1plus1equals1.com, a lot of ideas from Pinterest, and I did my own thing for calendar time. If I had to do it all over again, I would have spent the money on Sonlight along with using RRSP...it still ends up being WAY cheaper than paying for a preschool, and the lesson plans are done for you. We love Sonlight this year! Worth every penny! Have a great year!!

  2. The interview questions/ answers are so sweet! It's great to capture that since time passes so quickly and things such as this are easily forgotten! Thanks for sharing at the blog hop!

    1. I know, I really need to get these posts published so I don't forget the cuteness of these early years. Thanks for stopping by!
